"Ah! Welcome to Apocalypse." You have been recruited by the head of Apocalypse because you are ruthless, unforgiving, killing machines. The heads of Apocalypse have a job for you, which will have a high reward. All you have to do is bring us the relic that is contained within the United Nations school for the gifted. "Do you think you can do that?"
There are four factions in Apocalypse with four different leaders. Although they are all of the same organization, the four factions don't trust each other, and see each other as obstacles in reaching the Milele Jua. On rare occasions, the four faction work together during missions. No matter who is going on said mission, the leader always accompanies them. The four leaders have all given themselves titles based off of the 4 horsemen of apocalypse. Death, War, Famine, and Pestilence. Originally, the four factions were separate groups who each had an ulterior motive. They formed a coalition known as "Apocalypse". Famine was the one who brought up the idea, and the others agreed. Thus, Apocalypse was born.
At most, 16 students are allowed, with no limit to how many of each class there is. They are all in the same class, and will have a teacher who may choose his/her own class-type.
5 members will be allowed in each faction of Apocalypse- 4 including the faction leader. Each leader may also choose their own class-type. Only 1 male or female role of each class will be allowed in Apocalypse. Whichever class-type they choose will also determine which faction they are in.
Swordsman- Someone whose choice of weapon is the ever-so-lethal blade. They are the mainly focused around melee combat.
Magician- Someone who has magical abilities. Their powers can vary from the ability to wield fire, to moving air currents with their mind.
Tech- A hacker, mechanic, someone who can use technology to fight, or all of the above. The tech's capabilities are only limited to the supplies at their disposal, and their imagination.
Hunter- Someone who is more like an animal than a man. Hunters can make great scouts, trackers, or beast masters. Many tend to have strong attachments to inhuman creatures, while others prefer humans. They could possibly have instinctual or physical capabilities, that a normal human wouldn't be capable of.
Gunman/Marksman- People who specialize in ranged combat. People who, much like swordsmen, wield their weapon as an extension of their arm. But their arm can reach far longer than most. Perfect accuracy, quick eye movement, speed that is focused in their arms rather than their legs. You can always rely on them to watch your back. Especially a good sniper.
Thief- Those who practice the art of stealth, and stealing. A person who can walk by another person and completely relieve them of everything in their pockets in a split second. Pick pocketing, lock picking, backstabbing, and how could we ever forget the power of persuasion. Of course someone of these talents could also make the perfect assassin. Thieves will do anything to obtain what they want. Especially if they can do it through strictly illegal means.
Medic- This person takes care of their teammates, and mends their wounds. They can cure even the most deadly of poisons and illnesses. The best medics can bring someone back from the brink of death. Even if they seem weak at first, medics are far more powerful than one would believe.
Heavy- The heavy is short for "Heavy Weapons Expert". They specialize in tanks, mobile gatling guns, bombs, RPG's(Rocket Propelled Grenades or Bazookas), the works. They don't know the meaning of too large. The bigger the better, and more easy to use in a fight. These people are often unusually strong, even if they don't appear to be. Some wimpy-looking heavies are even stronger than the large, muscular ones.
Teacher- Taken by Byte
Student 1(Male)- Reserved for AkionAkamura
Student 2(Female)- open
Student 3(Male)- open
Student 4(Female)- open
Student 5(Male)- open
Student 6(Female)- open
More student roles will be added if needed. Limit is 16. It is possible for one gender group to outnumber the other depending on requests to have a certain role.
Death faction leader- Taken by StefanLF
Swordsman(Male)- open
Magician(Female)- open
Tech(Male)- open
Hunter(Female)- open
War faction leader- Reserved for Mat_z6
Gunsman(Male)- open
Thief(Female)- open
Medic(Male)- open
Heavy(Female)- open
Famine faction leader- open
Swordsman(Female)- open
Tech(Female)- open
Thief(Male)- open
Heavy(Male)- open
Pestilance faction leader- open
Magician(Male)- open
Hunter(Male)- Taken by Gintoki Sakata
Gunsman(Female)- open
Medic(Female)- open
- Code: Select all
[center][b][size=200]Full Name, Age, then Gender
[/size][/b][/center][center][size=150][b]< Physical Info >[/b][/size][/center]
[b]Affiliation[/b] (E.PI.C. or Apocalypse)
Teacher or Student
(this is for E.P.I.C. only)
[size=150][b]< Mentality >[/b][/size][b][Personality][/b]
(Personality)[/center][left][b][Likes][/b][/left] [right][b][Dislikes][/b][/right]
[left][color=#0D9D00][b]o[/b][/color] Like1[/left] [right]Dislike1 [color=#FF0000][b]x[/b][/color][/right]
[left][color=#0D9D00][b]o[/b][/color] Like2[/left] [right]Dislike2 [color=#FF0000][b]x[/b][/color][/right]
[left][color=#0D9D00][b]o[/b][/color] Like3[/left] [right]Dislike3 [color=#FF0000][b]x[/b][/color][/right][center][size=150][b]< Ability Statistics >[/b][/size]
[b] Power or abilities[/b]
[b]Personal Traits[/b]
(have at lest 3)[size=150][b]< Personal Background >[/b][/size]
trayvon martin case affordable care act the line bobby brown arrested the happening jennifer lawrence black panthers
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