A popular trend today ?? the act of purchasing insurance policies online. Health insurance, life insurance, automobile insurance - ?ou nam? ?n insurance, ?nd it can ?rob?bly b? purchased online th?nks to computers ?nd technology. This i? ? great convenience for ??me folks. Think ?bout it: who wants t? make a detour on the?r commute home from ? long day of work t? talk w?th an insurance agent about purchasing ?n insurance policy? Wouldn't mo?t people rather g? home to spend time with the?r families ?nd relax b?f?re the n?xt day begins?
While computers ?nd technology make ?t mu?h easier t? spend more time enjoying the?? kinds of leisurely activities, th?? al?o make it much easier for us to lose connection w?th real people. By purchasing insurance online, ??u'r? saving time and effort, but ?ou'r? also losing the important, ?et overlooked, benefit ?f speaking with ?n insurance agent one-on-one, face-to-face. At the v?r? most, the onl? human interaction ??u're g?ing to have b? purchasing insurance online ?? speaking with a representative ?ver th? phone.
This i?n't t? ?a? th?t ??u sh?uld avoid th? perks of today's computers ?nd technology, ?u?h a? purchasing insurance online; however, you ?h?uld make ?ur? ??u h?v? the chance t? g?t some one-on-one time with an insurance agent - ?ven ?f that one-on-one time is ?nly ?ver the phone. Rather than th? conversation consisting solely of ? br??f synopsis ?f the coverage and ??ur credit card number, a?k specific questions, ?nd make sure t? g?t th?roughl? detailed answers.
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