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In our modern society, owning a bag is not the patent of women any more. In our daily life, we can see more and more men also carry bags whether in formal or informal occasions.
Today, what I want to introduce to you is one of world famous brands-Armani and its handbag and messenger bag.
In the first place, this is a type of Armani handbag in classic black colour, which is much more suitable for business men who often need to attend some important as well as official occasions. Take the business negotiation for example. As we all know, the negotiation, especially for business purpose, is quite formal and official occasion. The negotiator?s appearance, such as their clothes they wear and the bags they carry, plays a vital role in this process. This type of handbag in classic black colour just caters for this situation. What is more, this kind of handbag is big enough for business men to carry some important documents and contracts.
Then, the second type of bags can be called handbag as well as shoulder bag. Why? Judging from its appearance, it has two leather belts, which are used for carrying by hands and by shoulders. This style is, absolutely, designed for business men who have to be on business trip often. On one hand, two methods of carrying are quiet convenient. On the other hand, it is also big enough to carry something important.
The third type is called messenger bag, which is fitted for some informal occasions as well as traveling. Compared with the above Armani handbags, this kind of messenger bag is much smaller. Therefore, do not think it can help you carry many things. Of course, it really can help you carry something important and necessary. The belt is flexible and you can decide the lengthen according to your own need. You can take it if you need to attend a party or go window shopping with your girlfriend.
Until now, are you attracted by these Armani bags? I am sure you are. Then, I personally think you should select one for yourself if you are a man or you can choose one for your loved man if you are a lady.
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