Thursday, July 28, 2011

Birds, Their Origin and Traits | Dot Net Poet

Posted on July 25th, 2011 | by mcontent |

There are about 2 million species known to man that exist on the earth. They are birds human beings insects reptiles and more. Birds are one of the most ingenious creatures present on this planet. They belong to the group of vertebrates that are believed to have evolved from reptiles over 150 million years ago. It is surprising to know that there are about 9000 to 10000 species of birds alone existing on Earth.

Facts about Birds

Birds are warm-blooded vertebrates that walk fly and hop. They have feathers a beak but no teeth a four- chambered heart and a lightweight skeleton. Instead of forelimbs they have wings which they use to fly. They lay eggs incubate them and hatch their young ones in nests or in the hollows of trees.

Based on the climatic conditions many of them migrate from one place to another every year. Birds usually communicate by making sounds humming flapping and using other visual signs. It is not the beaks wings or eggs that separate birds from other animals. It is the feathers of birds that give them a separate identity. Their feathers do not just keep them warm they also help them in steering and flying. They camouflage themselves with the surroundings using their feathers and at times they use their feathers to attract the opposite gender.

The smallest of the birds is the Bee Humming Bird weighing less than 1 oz. and the largest recorded is the Ostrich. Hummingbirds can fly backwards while no other birds can do so. An ostrich runs faster than any other bird. Its eyes are larger than its brain. You may be surprised to hear that the owls we see on tress at night blinking their eyes can turn their heads 360 degrees. They make themselves look fierce by fluffing out their feathers when they feel threatened by their enemies.

Who says creativity is a boon to human beings only? There are many creative and artistic birds such as the weaverbird and woodpeckers. The weaverbird spins long nests that suspend from the branches of tall trees. They are woven so artistically and it would take a lot of time for a human being to create one. The woodpecker can peck a hard wooden trunk 20 times per second. They create smooth holes and passages inside the tree trunks to live in.

Can Birds make good pets?

Just like any other animals birds can make good pets if trained and looked after properly. In the olden days doves and pigeons were used to carry messages over long distances and soothsayers would have parrots pick up cards that read one?s destiny. People used many other birds for different purposes.

One thing everyone must remember is no bird is trained and skilled. You have to get them adapted to your surroundings first and then teach them slowly and train them to perform tricks and learn skills. You have to be affectionate with them and talk to them gently. Feed them the right diet and take care of them as you would your own children. This will make them become attached to you. Secondly not all the birds are friendly. You can tame just a few birds and that too domesticated not the wild ones.

Though it is good to see your pet learn and do things make sure you give them a proper environment to live in. Birds are used to open air sunshine and lots of pampering. With whichever type of bird you have do not expect too much from it; keep it busy spend some time with it and make it feel at home. Birds are friendly creatures if you are friendly with them.


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