Your Script
Now the very first thing you should do is, turn off your T.V., and think about a short story idea. Something simple, that you could do. Always start off with making a short films, It's a must if you're just starting off.
Think about your locations, and write inside of what you have. Example: If you own a boat, maybe you could do a short film, located on your boat. Never write something in your script that you don't have, or don't have access to easily. It sounds easy, and simple, but it's something that you need to think about. I didn't think about it in my first film. I had a scene that I needed a evil lab, with no lab.
This brings me to my next point. Never write a film with 50 actors, if you only have 3 actors. It again sounds simple, but can often, bite you in the ass.
Now that you know your limits, your asking how do I come up with an idea? What I like to do is, I take a notepad out, and I think of events that happened in my life, that were either funny, upsetting, scary, anything that could be a good story. You would be surprised of what comes out, on that piece of paper, after awhile.
Now lets say you live in a hole, and can't think of any good memories. Do not fear my friend, you can still come up with a great story idea. What I like to do, is write down anything at all that comes into my head, even if it sounds totally silly, or stupid. Fill at least one page, then look at what you have. I bet 30% of what you put on that paper is a great idea for a short film. Don't believe me? I'll show you. I'm going to write down the first 10 things that come to my head.
- Paper Cut
- Apple Computers
- Kids on Playground
- Farmers Fighting
- Lost Hockey Puck
- Kids Eating Sugar
- Fat Bully
- Old Man Farting
- Car Crash
- Raining Fire.
Now that I did that, lets look at it. I can already see story ideas. Lets say my story is using a combo of number 3. Kids on Playground, and number 7. Fat Bully.
The next step, is to write it. But before that, let me talk to you about story telling.
Every short film have a beginning, middle, and end. You need to have a reason why we care about your character. Lets say we use my Kids on the playground, and there being a fat bully. We need to care about the kid getting bullied, and he needs to have a goal. Lets say his goal is to ask a girl, out on a date, but he is to shy. That would work out well because, we could use the bully as something that gets in our characters way, of completing his goal. boom! We have a story. It's as easy as that.
Now to write the script, I recommend using a script writing program. Download Celtx online, it's completely free! And works very well. If you want to spend some money, then I recommend Final Draft, but if you're like most people starting out, then why not use something free!
So here is a quick recap of what we learned so far.
- Write within your boundaries. (Locations, Actors, Props, est..)
- Write down possible story ideas from your personal memory.
- That doesn't work, write a page full of things that come up in your mind, and 30% of that page will be good ideas for your short film.
- Make us care about the character, and have a beginning middle, and end.
- Download Celtx, to write your script, for free!
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