Even though you make budgets and are careful with your money, life often throws some unexpected curve balls your way. Oftentimes, this leaves you scrambling to reorganise budgets and find ways to make a little bit of extra cash. Cars have an uncanny ability to be the so-called curveball, as they often require money for repairs, maintenance and necessary upgrades. If your car is in serious need of some work, then the following tips will help you get the necessary cash together to make it happen.
Get a second job
A second job is a fantastic way to get a bit of extra cash quickly. If you are lucky, then you may even be able to find a second job that is either short-term, part time or contract work so that you don?t have to commit too much of your time. A few extra hours a week here and there will help you save up the money you need to keep your car in good working order. To look for one-off jobs or short-term jobs, check out the Gumtree online classifieds, as you may be able to find postings from people who are willing to pay cash for a couple hours of work.
Get a short-term loan
Short-term loans offer an excellent opportunity to get cash quickly for car repairs. Especially if your car has stopped running and you need to get it going fast, then instant loans may be your only option. Just be ready to skimp a little here and there on your overall budget so that you can pay down the loan quickly.
Make money from your hobbies
If you have a hobby where you create things or practise a particular skill, then why not make it work for you? If you?re partaking in the hobby anyway, then at the very least you could try to make some money from it. For example, if your hobby is making pottery, then you could get a table at a craft fair or farmer?s market and see if anyone is willing to buy.
Sell your stuff
Another great way to make some spare cash for your car is to sell some things you no longer need. Look in your closets, on your shelves and in your garage for things you no longer need or want. You could try selling some items at a garage sale, but listing them on Gumtree or eBay may prove to get you a far better price. The important thing is that by getting rid of things you don?t need you can get better use out of your car.
Tighten your belt
If you really don?t have time to get another job, or you don?t have enough stuff to sell, then you may just have to tighten your belt until you?ve managed to save enough for your car upgrades. For instance, you can probably go without dining out for a little while, or perhaps you could take public transit for the time being to save on petrol. Have a look at your budget and see if there are any luxuries you can cut back on. Remember, this solution only needs to be temporary!
When it comes to getting your car in working order, it?s important that you look for ways to get extra cash rather than keep using your credit card. In the long run, these solutions will help get you back on the road quickly without causing any major dents in your finances.
Source: http://www.spotloans.com.au/blog/2012/12/15/finding-money-car-upgrades/
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